

Photographer, Designer

I am an ICU and Anesthesia Veterinary Technician by night, a mother to spicy kid and five Weimaraners, a photographer, and an outdoors person whenever I can be.

I love being behind the camera and making people genuinely smile during their sessions.

Photography is my way of remembering the little things we tend to lose with time. I often look back on images of my family or even the photos on my phone and wonder if I would have remembered that simple, messy moment without that image. Capturing the memories really is important to me and being a human who is self-conscious, I want to encourage and support others to have those memories of their families and themselves now.

We all grow and change and miss some parts of ourselves or the ones we love.

Let's remember them.



Photographer, Communications/ Media Manager

I have been a nanny for the past 10 years. One of my favorite things about being a nanny is getting to see all those little moments. Having the ability to see those moments, and capture them through photography is incredibly fulfilling. 

When I am not helping to raise the future generation I enjoy competing in a variety of sports and conformation with my Doberman and Mudi puppy. I have immensely enjoyed learning about the dog world. Capturing the big wins and personal bests of my dog sport clients has been just as fulfilling as capturing the special family moments. 

As I make this transition to photographing and managing the social media full time for Greyhaus in Central Illinois from my current position as a nanny in Austin, TX, I can’t help but burst with excitement to work with new clients.

Let’s collect some memories together.