May, 2024


During the crazy trip to New Mexico where the Sea Monsters did such a wonderful job, Breeze won the Bred By class 3/5 times and followed that up with a Winner's Bitch placement on Saturday for her second, 5-point major.

More importantly, Holly, our resident 8-year-old, took Breezey back into the breed ring for the FIRST TIME EVER after building some confidence with her PeeWee run! I am so proud of both of these kids. Breeze was so patient with Holly and Holly was about to move past her fears and head into the ring with the big dogs! Look at them move!

April, 2024

Scent Work

No, No, Bad Girl! Breezy put her big ol nose to work and made her scent work debut at the Progressive Dog Training Club's Spring Trial! She did such an awesome job with very little training, honestly. We're going to buckle down on some training to work towards our SWN title which will help us with scent sourcing in general.

For now, we will celebrate 2/2 Novice Container Q's with a 1st and 4th placement on her first trial ever! I am so very in love with this dog.

february, 2024

Still going strong!

Breeze remains the loveliest, sweetest, most mischievous kid in our home. She has been showing and picking up 1st places in Bred By Exhibitor Classes, multiple Reserve Winner's Bitch placements, and a few points since her first BOS major. She is slow growing but beautiful and really returning to what we evaluated at 8 weeks.

The best part of her is her personality. She truly is just happy, calm, and calculating in daily life. She is the first to nab a snack off of the counter, but also the first to come lay with you when it's time to settle down.

In the field or the ring Breeze does her best to keep up with her Uncle Baker and she sure gives him a run for his money. We will be attending some Spring bird clinics and getting her out to testing soon. We've also been training for our first Scent Work Trial in the Spring AND we're working on our Barn Hunt debut. It took her about 10 seconds to become comfortable with every piece of equipment in the agility ring and THAT will be a thrill.

This girl is everything I could want and more. I can't wait until she matures a little more and everyone else can see what she's got.

October, 2023

Best of Winners!

Breezey has been chugging away at her Championship. She's definitely a little girl which loses her a lot of attention in the ring. She's within standard and hasn't had her first heat cycle yet, so I'm not too worried about how she will be full-grown.

She is such an easy girl to show; wagging for the judges, standing for exam, free stacking like a pro and just generally loving the treats and training.

At this show she went Best of Winners with our friend Kyle bringing her back in the ring after winner her BBE class - his first time with a Weim at the end of his lead so I could bring Lolo (sister) back in as well. Breeze just said, "oh, that's fine!"

I just love her so much - she melts my whole heart every time she looks at me.

May, 2023

Best of Opposite Sex!

At our very first AKC "big dog" show in St Louis, Breeze went WB/BOS for a 3pt Major behind her brother. She did such a fantastic job and got complements from the judges at each show. I can't wait to see her grow up and all of her accomplishments!

April, 2023


Breeze had some great success in her first AKC show debut. With 40 puppies entered in the Yorkville Kennel Club's Beginner Puppy, Breeze won two Best of Breeds over her brother and followed those with two Group 2 placements among a lovely lineup of Sporting puppies!

I am hoping we keep this ease of showing. she was an absolute joy with a wiggling tail, happy to be examined, and thrilled to run around in a few circles. I sure hope she continued to love this sport!

march, 2023


We met up with the Weimaraner Club of Northern Illinois this weekend to introduce Breeze to some quail... although we did to dead quail and some distance pigeon introduction at 6-7 weeks old as a litter, this was Breeze's first time out on birds in a field.

Even with the blurry screenshot, I think you can see how she liked it... We will follow up with the Perfection Kennels methods anytime there is time this Summer, hoping to start hunt tests in the Fall!

february, 2023


Pink Girl aka Siren from our Sea Monster litter has decided to stick around a while and see how she likes the place.

Overall, she was our top female pick and her temperament is to die for. So far, I am thrilled by every bit of her and I am so excited to see where we go.

Welcome, Greyhaus Batten Down the Hatches, aka "Breeze".